At last! Arrived in the wee small hours of Sunday morning - transporter was due at around midnight and eventually arrived at 2am! Unlucky for me that it coincided with the start of daylight savings, so in total I got around 4 hours sleep.... not good.....
Anyway, he's here, alive and well. Poor boy was horribly nervous, and had a hell of a rough trip.
He is just gorgeous though, and trusting us more all the time. Just need to take things verrrry slowly with him I think, so that he can settle into his new surroundings away from his Mum and family. Muffin has been playing the grumpy Aunty role with aplomb - she's looking after him well.
I'll try and get some better pics in the next few days, but for now, thats all. Watching him in the paddock he has the most lovely canter and moves rather well for a big clunky clydey! Oh - he's going to be very tall (yay!!!) - he's already past 16hh. :o)
he is such a cutie pants!
Have just looked at your blog. HAve just bought rebel from Kylee and she is alos by Ashburne Damascus ( not sure I spelt that correct.) Am going throught the same starting process as you and troy. Its so exciting isn't it but nerve racking at the same time. Am interested to hear how you go
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