Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Morning shots.

Took these in the paddock this morning. Poor Aunty Muffin is clearly worn out after all the babysitting. Meantime, Troy is just getting better and better.

As you can see, the mad woman with the camera in her spotty bathrobe was something worth checking out...... however, by the expression on his face once he got to me, it would seem that I am indeed, a scary sight in the morning!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Troy's here!

At last! Arrived in the wee small hours of Sunday morning - transporter was due at around midnight and eventually arrived at 2am! Unlucky for me that it coincided with the start of daylight savings, so in total I got around 4 hours sleep.... not good.....

Anyway, he's here, alive and well. Poor boy was horribly nervous, and had a hell of a rough trip.

He is just gorgeous though, and trusting us more all the time. Just need to take things verrrry slowly with him I think, so that he can settle into his new surroundings away from his Mum and family. Muffin has been playing the grumpy Aunty role with aplomb - she's looking after him well.
I'll try and get some better pics in the next few days, but for now, thats all. Watching him in the paddock he has the most lovely canter and moves rather well for a big clunky clydey! Oh - he's going to be very tall (yay!!!) - he's already past 16hh. :o)

Friday, September 26, 2008

A sneak preview of Troy....

Exciting times. I am waiting with baited breath for my newest arrival.
"Troy" is a 2yo clyde tb cross, by Ashburn Damascus. As we speak, he is on a very long, hard trip down here from Northland, which is several hours drive away. I'll try and catch some photos on his arrival, which will be in the middle of the night sometime.

Anyway, more about Troy. He's bay, with a big crooked white blaze, and two rear stockings. He's already around 16hh, so I'm hoping that he'll be big enough to accommodate my long spider legs. His Dad is 17.1hh, and mum is 16.2hh so here's hoping for a big boy!

I'm looking forward to starting him, and can't wait to just work through things slowly with him. I have high hopes that he'll be my ultimate allrounder - I'd like to be back doing about level 3 dressage with him some day, and also hunting and showing him.
Fingers crossed - you just never know how things are going to turn out with horses, though, do you!
I'll post some photos of him at his old home - they were taken last week, "in the rough" as it were.

New horses arriving! - Muffin

Muffin arrived this morning - she's on semi-permanent loan from a friend as a paddock mate for Troy, the new youngster due to arrive.

Bless her, she's barely lifted her head for air since her arrival. For some reason, every horse that comes here thinks our grass is the best thing since sliced bread, which it is, but at this time of year that can be a negative too!
Anyway, Muffin is around 20 years old I think, roughly 12.2hh. She'll be wonderful as an aunty for Troy when he arrives.

Time to do this Blog thing at last.

Well, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here, but thought it about time to do this blog thing. It seems like a good way of letting people know what I am up to with my horses, especially as there are a few out there with a vested interest these days! :o)

At the moment, I'm in a bit of a transition phase! I have a lovely Irish Sporthorse mare, who is with a friend in Wellington, getting a few more competition outings with a view to selling her.

Violet has been wonderful - I bought her two years ago from a very dear friend, and she has shown me the ropes, and given me a taste of what it's like to have a quality horse. She's by Wynyard Agile, and is a Novice Eventer. Last weekend we went out and did our first Level 3 (elementary) dressage start at a registered comp. I was thrilled with her, as it was a step up - she came third and we now have some lovely Level 3 points to add to her CV!

I'm very sad to see her go, but it's time to move her on, so that she can go to someone who will do all the exciting stuff on her. I'm also looking forward to seeing Perfie enjoy her, as she's a far more capable jump rider than I am.