Exciting times. I am waiting with baited breath for my newest arrival.
"Troy" is a 2yo clyde tb cross, by Ashburn Damascus. As we speak, he is on a very long, hard trip down here from Northland, which is several hours drive away. I'll try and catch some photos on his arrival, which will be in the middle of the night sometime.
Anyway, more about Troy. He's bay, with a big crooked white blaze, and two rear stockings. He's already around 16hh, so I'm hoping that he'll be big enough to accommodate my long spider legs. His Dad is 17.1hh, and mum is 16.2hh so here's hoping for a big boy!
I'm looking forward to starting him, and can't wait to just work through things slowly with him. I have high hopes that he'll be my ultimate allrounder - I'd like to be back doing about level 3 dressage with him some day, and also hunting and showing him.
Fingers crossed - you just never know how things are going to turn out with horses, though, do you!
I'll post some photos of him at his old home - they were taken last week, "in the rough" as it were.