Saturday, March 28, 2009

Revelations for the week.

OK, so today I really am using this as a diary. This evening, something dawned on me. Since Max has been here, my feelings about Troy have been, well, different. Obviously, because of Troy's age, I can't do an awful lot with him anyway, but really, all my mental and physical energy has gone into this flash, well bred horse that has come to stay, and wee Troy has taken a bit of a back seat.

I have started my new job, and to be honest, although a great challenge, and a lot of fun, the last couple of weeks have been very taxing. Darcy has been away, and its been absolutely full on with working full time hours, 3 kids, and two horses, one of whom I'm supposed to be putting a bit of work into.

One hears about WB horses being "high maintenance", and today, it has just dawned on me that perhaps I am fooling myself to think that I can put the work into Max that he needs. Don't get me wrong, he is absolutely lovely, I love riding him, and we have a great thing going, but he is hard work. And when I'm absolutely shattered tired, I find it really hard to focus on a horse that takes every ounce of my attention and energy.

Which is funny, really, because the very reason I bought Troy, was because I wanted to buy a horse that would emulate my dear Belle - also a clyde cross, lovely temperament, nice looking, not the greatest movement, but just a generally lovely, pretty, easy horse to have around.

So - maybe I'm not at a stage in my life for the high maintenance young WB?? Who knows! I'll give it a bit longer, as I love having him here... but, food for thought anyway!


sally said...

Have been really interested in how you are getting on with Troy and Max. Totally understand what its like to fit two horses in and work with kids as well .....I just say to myself 'as soon as it all becomes a chore something has to give'. you have a nice horse in Troy though

Rackil said...

Hi Sally, thanks for your comment!! Its funny, one wonders whether anyone reads these blogs, and that last post was really from the heart, late last night. I sort of feel the same today, but its always slightly better in the morning, isn't it!! Not helped by my hubby being away for the last 10 days, things have been pretty full on. It's easy enough for me to send max home, so I'll give it a bit of time, talk to hubby tonight, and decide what to do. Thanks again for your support. :o)

Sharon said...

Give yourself some time. It sounds like you have lots going on right now and it can be easy to make a decision you later regret. Take care of yourself. Sharon

Kelly Oaks Sport Horses said...

Hey Love, awww all too much happening huh. Chin up chic, talk soon:)