Yep, here I am doing my usual once in a blue moon posting on my blog....
So...whats been happening??? Well, lots actually.
After winning his lovely wide ribbon, I did find that the 3 kids/fulltime job/two horses thing was getting a bit much. So, Maxy has gone home to his owners for the winter, for a well earned rest (and perhaps a few hunt starts!).
So, I'm pottering around with troy again, which has taken the pressure off a fair bit. Anyway, I have been riding him very slowly, and taking small small steps. He is still very young, but as you'll see from the pics, has really started to grow into himself, and is looking like a "proper" horse now.
Photos taken today - unfortunately I didnt have a capable person with me to take any ridden pics as Darcy's away, but I'm hoping to rope in a poor unsuspecting friend tomorrow.....